Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have spent much of this year serving as the interim chaplain at the St. George's School in Newport, RI. It has been a great experience working and preaching with 300+ students. One of the neatest pieces of my role has been hearing seniors give chapel talks. I also enjoyed preparing a group for Confirmation.

This past week was Bishop Wolf's visit. I was a little nervous. It was a big service and there were lots of participants to coordinate.

Bishop Wolf preached a very good sermon about finding your passion. The confirmands were great. Everything fell right into place.

In my mind, the great moment in the service happened at the Fraction. As Bishop Wolf broke the bread, she started to spontaneously sing a fraction anthem. She sang in a hushed tone, the mic quietly amplified. The alleluias slowly wafted through the enormous chapel. All fidgeting ceased. It became very quiet except for the alleluias washing over all. It was quite a moving moment of the pronounced presence of the Holy Spirit.

For me, it was a moment signifying hope. It was a moment that showed just how open young people are to transcendence. The Church is always talking about how to reach younger people. We are always looking for innovative ways to accomplish this. Yet, in the midst of a very normal Confirmation, it happened. Maybe, it is less about us, and more about the Spirit.

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