Sunday, March 30, 2008

William Stringfellow on Jaques Ellul

"[Jaques] Ellul beholds the biblical testament in a way that confesses the viability and vitality of the Word of God in common history and not only "once upon a time" but here and now. Ellul has entered into a confessional relationship with the Word of God in his study of the Bible that illuminates the characteristic and historic activity of the Word of God in our contemporary setting. Ellul represents the recovery of the most elementary attribute of the biblical faith: the discernment of the life of the Word of God in common history, at once verified in the Bible as such and in each and every even subsequent to the biblical era.

In that discernment all things are transfigured.

That is why, as it seems to me, Ellul's words are so threatening and so appealing."

-- William Stringfellow, "Kindred Mind and Brother," Sojourners, June 177, p.12

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