Thursday, June 19, 2008

Andrew Corsello of GQ on Bishop Gene Robinson

There is a lengthy piece in the current issue of Gentleman's Quarterly magazine - GQ - written by a friend of mine. Andrew Corsello is a brilliant writer who is easily the best writer and thinker in the employ of GQ. I have not yet read the piece. But knowing Andrew, I'm sure it's well written, and astute.


Bob Schneider said...

I just finished reading Corsello's story on +Gene Robinson, and think that it is absolutely beautiful, and brilliantly composed.

The Godfather said...

Greg, thanks for linking to this article. It's a wonderful piece, very insightful and very moving. Corsello must be a first rate interviewer to get all this material, as well as being a fine writer. It reminds us that Bishop Robinson is not just a symbol, but is alao a real and interesting human being.